The ten toes prophesy of Daniel
by Mason
If you think God and Allah are the same, remember:
One died for you and the other requires you to die for him.
When I was a young child it seemed strange to read about the Bible and discover the rebellion still going on right after the rapture. Wouldn’t that event chill everyone to the bone? After preachers telling and foretelling the rapture you would think its appearance would convince the world the truth of Christianity.
However, we do not read about a world wide panic, depression, fear or even concern we see a celebration. We see the world unifying for a final push to bring about their dark, anti God view of themselves and their fake wisdom.
Armies mount up against
Israel and the final battle at Armageddon marches on towards disaster. Why? Would the event of the rapture shock the world into believing? Well some I guess but to unbelievers the rapture will be a confirmation of their own beliefs that Christians were just in the way of the utopia the world was seeking. They will fall into many camps but the unbelievers and the false believers will celebrate the rapture of the Church.
To the none believing, cosmos, visualizing world peace crowd, the rapture is the universe removing the stick in the mud Christians who have been interfering with the coming new age of peace and harmony. They believe the power of the Universe is building up strength against the Christian oppressive teachings and that power will one day break through and deliver the world from the clutches of the Christian oppression. In one flash of energy the Universe will find balance by snatching away the obstructive Christian...and the world will rejoice and seek its ruler.
To the False believers, many are looking for the rapture themselves as their god cannot control the universe while the Christians are here praying and healing. They will consider the rapture a call to arms and confirmation of their beliefs. They will then look forward of the second coming of Jesus...being led by their prophet.
The reason many Christians will still be here after the rapture is because they were sitting in Church close to the truth and believing enough of the truth to know about the rapture. They will see the rapture and immediately convert. This is why many people are confused of when the rapture will happen. They argue “Post Tribulation” “Mid” or “Pre-Tribulation” because they see Christians in all of there eras. That is because people will get converted by the rapture and will be here. Whether it will be too late is the subject for another book.
Another thought from my youth. Why do so many people hate the Jews? What had they done to be hated? If you were going to hate the Jews for owning businesses, managing money and a strong family culture, you certainly would hate all of the cultures whom waged war against each other. If you hate the Jews because you think they “funded” wars, then certainly you would hate the countries who fought them.
When did the Jews take the world to war? When did the Jews invade another country, pillage a continent or enslave millions? I could not understand the universal, historical and cross cultural hatred and mistrust of the Jews. That is until I read about Abraham and his children. God promised Abraham a child and Abraham's wife was old and laugh at God. She encouraged her husband to sleep with their servant because she was young and surely God did not mean Sara would have a child. Well, that maid had a son right before Sara and that son and his descendents are fighting Sarah and her children for Abraham's inheritance. They are fighting over their fathers land of Israel/Palestine and will never stop until the Kinsmen Redeemer shows up to settle the inheritance question.
Ishmael, the son of Hagar and Isaac, the son of Sarah both claim the inheritance of the first born. Ishmael was the first born but the promise was from God to Abraham and Sarah and God is keeping his covenant with Abraham.
Genesis 16:15
And Hagar bare Abraham a son: and Abram called his son's name, which Hagar bare, Ishmael.
Genesis 21:2-3
For Sarah conceived, and bare Abraham a son is his old age .... And Abraham called him Isaac.
To this day, both the Arabs and the Jews honor father Abraham and consider the same sites holy. The family feud has grown deeper and is clearly out of control. It cannot be negotiated nor compromised, but the Jews will continue to try. The Arabs and Jews are both looking for a savior, a KINSMEN who will pay the price to redeem their inheritance back to them. He can be the same person.
Since the Arabs and Jews are “Kin” they could have the same
“Kinsmen Redeemer.” They could also have the same “Kinsmen Redeemer” impostor. Someone coming out of history looking like the Kinsmen Redeemer to both sides of the family. Not claiming any religious beliefs he will be considered a unifying force for peace. Israel will be isolated by the rapture and the lost of the Western Allies and a “Kinsmen” seeking true peace will be a welcome development to them.
Their long sought desire of rebuilding The Temple in Jerusalem will be accomplished when the Kinsmen negotiates the boundaries of the Temple so it will not violate or interfere with the Muslim Mosque nearby. The “Dome of the Rock Mosque has stood on this courtyard of The Temple since the 7th Century. It stands as a visual obstacle of the rebuilding of the Temple. Muslim fanatics riot with just the characterization of Mohammed in a cartoon, can you imagine their reaction if the Jewish State announces they will build The Temple on the grounds of the Dome of the Rock?
However, the “Kinsmen” will be a hero to both sides of the Abraham family. He will convince both sides of the need to rebuild the Temple. They will rebuild the Temple and the Jews will be able to return to their Ordinances and Sacrifices. After the Temple is rebuilt there will be a figure taking the seat of the “Holy of Holies” in that Temple and declare himself to be God. That declaration will set into motion a series of events as this Kinsmen breaks his 7 year treaty with the Jewish State and leads an army to crush Israel.
That army will run head on into a promise of God. (Zechariah 14:11) “It will be inhabited; never again will it be destroyed. Jerusalem will be secure.” Israel will be reestablished within her boundaries and will never be pushed out again. That promise of God will lead the Army of the Muslims to gather at a valley near the Mountain of Meggdo and the end of this family feud will happen there.
We are witnesses of prophesies being revealed. I have wondered how people could walk 40 years through the desert being provided a pillar of fire during the night and a pillar of smoke during the day for guidance. Seeing their clothes not wear out, getting water from a rock and receiving food from the sky for 40 years and still doubt the existence and power of God. How could they have that as a background and the protection of God for 40 years against all enemies, and then reach the banks of the Promise Land and be afraid of the giants occupying their land?
This may very well be the question our children will ask of us. Seeing Israel return from all over the world as a promise of God should be a clear message to believers and unbelievers alike. The fact of Israel being on the map today is nothing but a miracle.
Compare Israel with the history of the Africans slave trade. By most accounts the African slave trade began in the 1400s. In America it began with the settlers of 1619 and ended with the American Civil War of the 1860s. Lets look at the American Slave Trade over its 246 years history with the Africans being separated from the continent. In those years they lost their language, history, culture, traditions and national identity. When the African slaves came out of slavery they were lost to themselves and began searching for a self identity which lasts until today. There were no common bonds that connected them except the bonds master had bestowed upon them. The freed African had a slave culture and was completely separated from their past culture of free people. No nation spoke their language, no nation was a sanctuary and a depository of their history.
However, the Jews were separated from Israel for over 2,000 years. Existing on every continent, in every country, speaking every language and merging into every culture. The Jews spent 2,000 years separated from Israel with no nation speaking Hebrew, no culture kept the feast days and no culture kept their ordinances. Yet Jews descended on Tel Aviv in 1948 from all over the world. They flew in from Russia, Germany, Great Britain and America. They got off the planes from South America and Australia and they all arrived speaking Hebrew. They came from all over the world with their language, culture, history, and holidays still fully intact. They were gathered from all over the world as Jews. Although the Jews lived all over the world they remained Jews.
Never in the History of Mankind has a people accomplished this task. How could they come together as a complete body of people from all over the world? As it was predicted.
Daniel 2:31-45
King Nebuchadnessar had a troubling dream and it would not let him rest. Finally a Jewish man named Daniel describe the dream for the King and then offered him an interpretation. His interpretation has proven to be accurate from the history of the kingdoms he describe. Because of the reputation of Daniel’s accuracy perhaps we should take a look at the remaining prophesies and see if there are any more information we can find value in.
You must read Daniel 2:31-45 to understand the events leading up to todays headlines. Why are we in a struggle in the Middle East? Why does the world focus attention on this part of the world? It is not about the oil in the region. If the world wanted to it could replace the oil from other sources. We could increase productions in other parts of Africa, South America, Russia and America to offset oil from the Middle East.
So why are we so involved with this part of the world? God says to keep our eyes on Israel. Not America, Russia or Europe but Israel. God did not say keep your eyes on Africa or China. He said Israel. The one thing about Daniel's interpretation, all Kingdoms oppressed Israel. Those of Daniel's days as well as those which came after his times and so will be the case with those final nations he described.
The Interpretation
Head of Gold - Babylon (609-539 BC)
"This was the dream; now we will tell its interpretation before the king. "You, O king, are the king of kings, to whom the God of heaven has given the kingdom, the power, the strength and the glory; and wherever the sons of men dwell, or the beasts of the field, or the birds of the sky, He has given them into your hand and has caused you to rule over them all. You are the head of gold. (Daniel 2: 36-38)
Chest and Arms of Silver - Medo-Persia (539-331 BC)
"After you there will arise another kingdom inferior to you, then another third kingdom of bronze, which will rule over all the earth." (Daniel 2: 39)The Medes and Persians next conquered Babylon and King Cyrus returned the Jews to Israel. He also rebuilt the temple.
Legs of Iron - Rome (168 BC - 476 AD)
"Then there will be a fourth kingdom as strong as iron; just as iron crushes and shatters all things, so, like iron that breaks in pieces, it will crush and break all these in pieces. (Daniel 2: 40)
Where are the Toes?
Verse 41 says, "And whereas thou sawest the feet and toes, part of potters' clay, and part of iron, the kingdom shall be divided; but there shall be in it of the strength of the iron, forasmuch as thou sawest the iron mixed with miry clay."
I do not intend to get into a deep Biblical discussion with anyone but would like to suggest that we are now at the “Ten Toes” that Daniel spoke about. How can we determine who they are? How do we recognize these last Nations and people?
We certainly do have the luxury of 20/20 hindsight. We have the history of the world at our feet to look back and see the patterns of the past. This gives us a great advantage in seeking insight into the future.
All the past kingdoms oppressed Israel. Keep your eye on Israel. If all the past Kingdoms and Nations oppressed Israel why would the last Ten Toes not have the same characteristics? If God dealt with all the Kingdoms and people who has oppressed Israel except one, would those people be a good place to look? If these people have oppressed Israel longer than all of the other oppressors combined, would that make them a logical choice for the ten toes?
My logic leads me to believe the last Ten Toes of Daniel's interpretation must be the descendants of Hagar and the kinsmen to Israel. God has not dealt with this family feud yet and if He is consistent, he will deal with them as He has promised.
It will not be America, Great Britain or Russia! It has always been about Israel. The Europeans cannot believe the in time situations could possibly be brought about without their leadership. They look for the people mentioned in the Biblical prophesies and recognize they control the territories those people now live in. Out of natural arrogance and pride, they assume God must have meant the ruling nations, not a select group of people in those nations.
It would be like a prophesy of the last days stating the Apache and Navajo people will lead an invasion into Mexico. Well the Apache and Navajo people occupy the Southwestern United States and the European experts would conclude God must have meant the United States would invade Mexico from the lands of the Apache and Navajo.
This is the same problem with seeing God talk about Tubal, Magog, and the other tribes occupying Russia and the lands around the Black Sea and Caspian Sea. Surely God must mean the European nations not the Arab tribes living there. That is why so many Bible Scholars predict Russian will lead and Arab army with Syria, Egypt and other Arab nations against Israel. They cannot imagine God concluding history without a direct leadership role of Europe.
It is the same error with the “Revived” Roman Empire. They assume it must be the European nations including Italy leading the way. What if it mean “Revised” and not “Revived?” What if it was not the unconscious caucus of the dead Roman Empire being “Revived” like some drowning victim but a reconstituted “Reformation” of the spirt of the Roman Empire. A Revision not Revival! It would include the Arab occupiers of the Old Roman Empire east of Italy, not Europe. But again, the Europeans cannot imagine a scenario not including them in the leadership.
The Word of God to Ezekiel (Ezekiel 37: 1-14) as the world witnessed the dry bones of ancient, separated, dispersed Israel come back together, reunited as it once was.
The unique thing about the Jewish people is no matter where they settle they are still Jewish. They may live in Switzerland or Brazil but they are still Jewish. You can call them Spanish, Italians or Americans but you will still call them Jewish. "The people shall dwell alone, and shall not be reckoned [numbered] among the nations (Numbers 23:9).
What we are witnessing is a battle between God and Satan. Satan's only goal is to make God a liar. If he can make God a liar, God stops becoming God because God cannot lie. So every promise of God will be attacked by Satan especially the prophesies. Have you noticed the Bible is the only Book of Prophesies? Where are the prophesies in the Koran? The Bible is full of prophesies so we can test the word of God.
God said Israel will come together as a Nation and will never be destroyed again. Satan first tried to disperse the Jews throughout the world and that did not work. He then tried to destroy them with the Nazis but that did not work and he will then bring his armies against Israel and Jerusalem in battle. That is the end time event we are looking for.
The enemies of God will push Israel to the breaking point. Surrounding Jerusalem and prepared to wipe out the nation. They will regather their troops to resupply and regroup at a place called the plains of Megiddo, near Mount Megiddo, west of Jerusalem. They are prepared to attack Israel and totally destroy the nation. This will make God a liar and Satan is eager for that.
The Bible never calls it a “battle” of Armageddon. It will not be a battle at all. God ALWAYS gets His people out before destruction. While they are surrounded, Jesus will descend to the very spot he ascended from, (which is now covered by a Mosque), and will split the mountain in two pieces. The Jews surrounded in Jerusalem will escape through the newly formed valley as their “Savior” descends the mountain. He speaks and the troops gathered at the foot of Mount Megiddo die. With just the word of God their flesh melts off their bodies and their blood flows away. It will not be a man made weapon like and Atomic Bomb, it will be the very Word of God!
(Ezekiel Chapter 37)
Who is Magod and Gog? Magog, Gomer, Togarmah, Meshech and Tubal in prophecy.
Ezekiel 38:1-6 "The word of the Lord came to me; Son of man, set your face against Gog, of the land of Magog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal; prophesy against him and say: 'This is what the Sovereign Lord says: I am against you, O Gog, chief prince of Meshech and Tubal. I will turn you around, put hooks in your jaws and bring you out with your whole army - your horsemen fully armed, and a great horde with large and small shields, all of them brandishing their swords. Persia, Cush and Put will be with them, all with shields and helmets, also Gomer with all its troops, and Beth Togarmah from the far north with all its troops - the many nations with you."
We can debate if Russia, Europe or even the Chinese are included in these last days prophesies but that is not the point. If you do not understand, that the Bible talks about people, families then nations, you may miss the entire meaning of this scripture. It is not about the countries they come from but the families they came from. It is not their nationalities but their family heritage. These are the descendants of Hagar and Abraham fighting the descendants of Sara and Abraham over Abraham's inheritance. It will not end until a person kin to both sides pays the price.
We should pay close attention to the interpretation King Nebuchadnessar’s dream by Daniel. If we follow closely we can see clearly the future. It will look like we are losing unless we understand the end.
*We are not called to be tolerant, we are called to be righteous.
*Only what offends God is offensive.
*How can I offend you with the truth?
*We are not called to lead the world, direct the world or impress the world,
We are to call the world to its Savior.
*We believe that God’s Holy Scriptures are infallible. If you disagree, we believe you are wrong.
Let them laugh at us. The wise will be dumbfounded.